
Lady summoned to her school's disciplinary panel after she asked for money to circulate a trending video of a girl raped by 5 boys

Lady summoned to her school's disciplinary panel after she asked for money to circulate a trending video of a girl raped by 5 boys

Lady summoned to her school
A student of Universal School of Aviation has been summoned to the school's disciplinary panel after it was brought to their notice that she had been asking for money on Facebook to distribute a disturbing video of a girl being raped by 5 boys.

Nicki Ojiulor shared a post to address the rape incident, then went ahead to make fun of the size of the victim's vagina.

Lady summoned to her school

Some social media users responded to the post, asking her to share the video with them but she demanded for money first.

Lady summoned to her school

She was reported to her school and will now face disciplinary action.
The Universal School of Aviation wrote on Facebook:
Good morning all,
The attention of the management has been called to a video circulating the social media which is been shared by a cabin crew students of our great institution.
We wish to assure the entire public that she has been summoned to the school disciplinary panel, which will hold on Monday and to reinstate that we will not condone any act of indiscipline of this nature.
We also wish to notify the entire public that we will be willing to corporate with necessary agencies to curb act of this nature.
Lady summoned to her school
Lady summoned to her school

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 1:44 PM and have 0 comments

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